Sunday 26 July 2020

He Guides whom He Wills

Bismillahi rohmaanir rohiim

This morning, I watched a video of a sister who shared her journey to Islam. Her sharing was quite detailed and it really resonates well with me. Her journey started through her love and passion of birds and nature. She started questioning the existing of God as she ponders over His Creations. It was truly beautiful and I got totally emotional at the end of the video.

Everyone goes through life challenges and difficulties, no one escapes, and that is the reality of life. Faith is what made these challenges and difficulties bearable. We are guided with His Wisdom and made to understand many things and our purpose in life.

Alhamdulillah, I felt truly grateful and could not thank Allah enough for all the things He has bestowed upon me and my family. Alhamdulillah, He made me a Muslim. There were countless times in my life when I was utterly lost and He never failed to guide me and gave me the wisdom of all the things in order for me to understand.

Indeed, He is the Most Merciful, Most Compassionate and Most Loving. He brings us into Islam in many different ways; it taps to what is close to your heart. He is the owner of the heart and only He knows what is in it and how to awaken your heart. Allahu Akhbar, Subhaan Allah.

In short, we should be thankful to Allah for making us a Muslim and continues to strive to be a good one. May Allah keeps us steadfast in our religion and continues to guides us. May we depart in this world in the state of khusnul khotimah, aamiin allahumma aamiin.

Thursday 23 July 2020

Keep going, keep moving forward

Bismillahi Rohmaanir Rohiim

It has been a very long time since I last posted on my blog. In year 2017, I had removed my past postings and started anew. It has been brought to my attention that we are liable to what say and write in the court of Allah. Though it may have been deleted, records are being recorded permanently similarly in the current digital world.  

In short, I need to be careful and think through the things I would like to share. Do good, think well and be an encourager as the world has enough critics.

Recently, I went through a loss of someone whom I loved. I never knew I would feel this way but the impact was huge. I felt as if part of my strength was taken away and I suddenly became weak. I still lose my sleep and I still do have flashbacks. It will probably take some time before I could be back to myself.

Everything happens for a reason, a strong hikmah (wisdom) behind them. I can only ask Allah to guide me and grant me understanding. Whatever you may go through, take a moment to make du'a and seek His Help and Guidance. The greatest gift that He can give to mankind is Yahdii Qalbaa, a guided heart. With a guided heart, all problems be solved and du'a be answered ان شاء الله.

With that, I end today’s post, may Allah guides us and grants us the wisdom in everything. May Allah ease all our affairs. Aamiin allahumma aamiin.

Raising our children according to their time

  Bismillahi Rohmaannir Rohiim Allahumma solli 'alaa sayyidina muhammadin nabiyyil ummiyil wa 'alaa aalihi wasohbihii ajmain When ou...